Congratulations to the Wahama White Falcons football team. The Falcons are competing in the first round of the State Playoffs Friday night at 7:30 PM at Point Pleasant's Stadium. #MasonProud

Did you know??? In 2022 Mason County Schools had finalists in BOTH the State Teacher of the Year AND School Service Personnel Employee of the Year programs.

Point Pleasant Junior/Senior High School will be operating on remote learning on Friday November 4th, 2022. Students will not report and will be provided assignments for that day. Staff will report on a regular schedule. Mason County Career Center and Mason County School for Success will be operating on a regular schedule. Meals will be available between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM Friday at the school.

Did you know??? In 2022, Mason County students' improvement in test scores was better than the state average in all areas test: math, reading, and science.

Firstly, we would like to congratulate the coloring contest winners and cooks at PPIS! Thank you for participating in this GROOVY challenge that focused on School Lunch.
Secondly, we would like to thank Sharon Maynard with the American Dairy Association for aiding Hannan High School in obtaining a grant for smoothie equipment. Today was a BERRY good day as we offered Wild Berry smoothies for breakfast.
Did you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
We “fast” for seven or more hours a night when we sleep, and breakfast means to “break the fast.” It is vital that when we awake that we fuel our bodies for the day with breakfast! Nourish your brain and body with a well-balanced meal. Try cereal with sliced bananas and milk or make a smoothie with fresh fruit, yogurt and low-fat milk.

Did you know??? Mason County Schools distributed over 6000 books to children attending the 2022 Mason County Fair.

Did you know??? Mason County Schools had state championship teams or runners-up in Five sports in 2021-2022.

Congratulations to both the Point Pleasant Boys Soccer and Point Pleasant Girls Soccer team on their wins in the Class A/AA Region IV Soccer Championship last night. Good luck to both teams as they compete at the State Soccer Tournament in Beckley #MasonProud

Mason County Principals, Directors, and the Superintendent attended the WV School Safety Conference today in Charleston #MasonProud

The 2022-2023 Mason County Schools Healthy Grandfamilies program will begin Tuesday November 15, at 1:00 and continue with 45 minutes sessions every Tuesday for 10 weeks. A light lunch will be provided with each session and there will be other incentives for attendance. If you are a grandparent raising your grandchild enrolled in Mason County Schools and want to join the program, please contact Jerry Warren at jwarren@k12.wv.us or call the 304-675-4540 extension 49114.

Did you know??? The Mason County school levy provides financial support for school bands and student competitions.

To continue celebrating Farm to School Month we would like to thank our local farmer, Martin, with Four Seasons Farm for providing Persimmons to one of our schools.
You have full PERSIMMON to bite into the following facts:
This mighty berry is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamins B, iron, potassium and manganese. They also contain beneficial plant compounds like dietary fiber, tannins, and flavonoids.
The health benefits of persimmons include ability to improve eye health, reduce signs of aging, prevent various types of cancer, improve digestion, boost your immune system, lower cholesterol, increase your metabolism, promote weight loss, strengthen your bones, boost cognitive function, lower blood pressure, and take care of your skin.

The Mason County Board of Education meeting scheduled for October 25, 2022, will be live tonight at 6:00 PM. https://youtu.be/iLInVuSdsu0

Did you know??? Prevention Resources Officers (PROs) in Mason County Schools are provided by the Sheriff's Office with funding from the Mason County school levy.

Congratulations to Wahama Jr/Sr High School for reaching Champion Status from CFWV for College Access and Success #MasonProud

Did you know??? The Mason County school levy provides over $37,000 per year to the Mason County Library.

Roosevelt Elementary plumbing issues are fixed. School will be on a normal schedule tomorrow.

Roosevelt Elementary will be closed for students tomorrow October 20, 2022 due to plumbing issues. Staff will report on regular schedule.

Did you know??? The Mason County school levy provides funding to the WVU Cooperative Extension Service and support for 4-H.

The Mason County School levy funds benefit Mason County Schools' student athletes and team sports.