Mason County Schools finished National School Lunch Week with a Scratch Cook Training made possible through a grant provided by the WVDE. Cooks prepared many new recipes for lunch such as Chicken Bacon Ranch Subs, Chocolate Caramel Moo Brew, The Hulk Smoothie, Sweet Chili Chicken Wraps, and Chicken Lo Mein with Vegetables, just to name a few.
We would like to thank our cooks for the passion and hard work they put forth every day to provide sound nutrition to our children.
Fun Food Fact: Did you know kid’s favorites are now offered in healthier versions? Pizza is served on whole-grain crust with low-fat cheese and reduced sodium tomato sauce! The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 enabled major improvements to school meals, bringing school meals in line with the latest nutrition science. By offering students familiar foods that are whole grain-rich, low in sodium and low in saturated fat, the school cafeteria is balancing nutrition and consumer demand.

Did you know??? The citizens of Mason County have continuously approved a school levy since May 1950.

Reminder-Tomorrow October 14, 2022 is a full day Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. Students do not report.

Mason County Schools attended an event at Marshall University for Nucor families. Dr. Burdette, Dr. Bond, and principals from Ashton, Beale, and Hannan met families from all over the United States looking to make WV home. What a great opportunity for Mason County #MasonProud

Today schools that qualified for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program received locally sourced pumpkins. The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools. The goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education. Students at these schools were provided with an educational handout and will learn how to roast their own pumpkin seeds! Let's thank our local farmers, Mr. Wallbrown and Mr. Foglesong, for making this possible and to celebrate National Farm to School Month. #farmtoschool
National School Lunch Week, Day 3, Fun Food Fact: Pumpkin and squash seeds provide 33 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. #nslw22

Did you know??? The proposed Mason County Schools excess levy does not include a tax rate increase. It extends the current excess levy until 2029.

The Mason County Board of Education Meeting is live tonight 10/11/2022 at 6:00 PM. https://youtu.be/JZQGY8xDrxA

This month is National Farm to School Month, and we have exciting things happening in Mason County Schools!
Today's highlight is Leon Elementary. We would like to extend a thank you to Mr. Hayman for incorporating STEM projects such as gardening into the curriculum. Students were able to enjoy Kale Chips made from their very own garden! #farmtoschool
Day 2 of National School Lunch Week, Fun Food Fact: Eating more vitamin A-rich foods like broccoli, KALE, spinach and kiwi may help preserve memory and prevent vision problems. Load up and increase your brain power! #nslw22

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) serves nearly 30 million children every school day. President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in 1962 to promote the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom. #NSLW22 will be celebrated October 10-14, 2022
Check out the Fruity Flatbread offered to Mason County Student's for Breakfast!
Fun Food Fact: Strawberries are the only fruit to wear their seeds on the outside. Did you know that the average berry has about 200 seeds?

Wahama Jr/Sr High School is closing at 9:30 today October 10, 2022, due to a Power Outage. This does not include New Haven Elementary.

Mason County Schools sponsored SAT Test Preparation and Training at the Board Office for high school students from Pt. Pleasant Jr/Sr High School, Hannan Jr/Sr High School, and Wahama Jr/Sr High School #MasonProud #SAT #TestPrep

Congratulations to the Wahama Golf Team for being the WV Class A Region 4 Golf Champions. They will be moving on to the state tournament held in Wheeling #MasonProud

The Mason County Board of Education Meetings scheduled for this evening will be live beginning at 5:00 PM.
5:00-Special Meeting to discuss proposed amendments to WV Constitution
6:00- Regular Business Meeting

Reminder-September 21, 2022 is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings. Please plan accordingly

Under the West Virginia Emergency School Food Act, passed into law in 2022, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) is launching a statewide survey on food availability to children during the summer months. The brief survey will be made available through the WVDE website September 15- September 30. You may also access the survey by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6Z9SYM9.

Congratulations and a big thank you to Lisa Bryant and Marketta Crum for representing Mason County as Teacher of the Year and Service Personnel of the Year Finalists at the ceremony in Charleston last night. We are very proud of how well you represented Mason County #MasonProud

Ms. Grant’s 5th and 6th grade students at Beale Elementsry created a class project to commemorate 9/11 #MasonProud

The Mason County Board of Education Meeting is live tonight 9/8/2022 at 6:00 PM. https://youtu.be/oVxntKoYc6U

Mason County Schools is offering free ACT Prep for Point Pleasant High School students Oct. 5th and free SAT Prep for Hannan and Wahama Oct. 6th. These are targeted for Juniors, but other grades may apply. Contact your child's school to register. See flyer for more details.

LiveGrades is currently not syncing with the new WVEIS system. This is a state problem that is being worked on at the highest levels. The program should be up and running soon. Sorry for the inconvenience