If you have a student that requires special dietary needs, we need an updated Medical Plan of Care for School/Site Food Service Form This form needs to be completed in its entirety and turned in to the school. https://bit.ly/specialdietaryneeds
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Special Dietary Needs
Bus 121 - Dwayne Kelley - will not be running tomorrow, Friday May 12th. Schools affected are Beale Elementary, Hannan Jr./Sr. High and Ashton Elementary.
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Congratulations to Tiffany Hersman of Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School for collaborating with the US Military and leading us to receiving the Purple Star Award #MasonProud #WVEd #CommonGroundWV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3G4zduAaE0
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Purple Star Award
Purple Star Recipients
--Bus 131-- will not be running today , Wednesday May 10th Schools affected are Leon Elementary and PP Jr./Sr. High
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Mason County Career Center students were recognized at the board meeting for achieving Gold Level Chapter of Distinction at the recent WV Skills USA competition in Fairmont, WV.
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Mason County Schools would like to acknowledge all the hard work and preparation our teachers do to help educate our students. We appreciate all you do and are thankful to have YOU! #NationalTeacherAppreciationWeek #MasonProud
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Teacher Appreciation Week
Bus 161 - Maia Endicott - will not be running tomorrow, Monday May 8th. Schools affected are Hannan Jr./Sr. and Ashton Elementary
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
The following bus routes will not be running today, Friday May 5th - 144 - Jim Denney - Ashton & HHS area 193- Karen Pauley - New Haven Elem. & WHS area 182 - Mike Robinson - Beale Elem. & PPHS area 111- Dave Gardner - Beale Elem. & PPHS area
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Celebrate your school lunch staff this Friday! From the kitchen to the lunchroom, cafeteria staff are essential to making sure our students eat well and learn. We're so grateful for all you do every day. Happy #SchoolLunchHeroDay!
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
School Lunch Hero
School Lunch Heros
School Lunch Hero
If you have children enrolled in Mason County Secondary Schools (Hannan, PPJSHS, or Wahama) please take a few minutes to fill out the Family Survey. https://bit.ly/mcfamilysurvey23
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
There will be one final P-EBT disbursement this summer for students. Please make sure your address in WVEIS for your child is correct. To learn more about the P-EBT program and benefits click here https://wvde.us/wv-pebt/
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Address Update
Bus 131 will not be running tomorrow, Monday May 1st Schools affected are Leon Elem. & Point Jr./Sr.
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Credit Recovery will be offered this summer for English, Math, Social Studies, or Science beginning June 26. To register please contact Dr. Kenny Bond 304-675-4540 extension 49156 or email him at jkbond@k12.wv.us. Click the link to see more details https://bit.ly/creditrecovery23
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Summer Credit Recovery
The following bus routes will not be running tomorrow, Friday, 4/28/23 : # 224 - New Haven & WHS #131 - Leon & PPHS # 184 - Leon & PPHS
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Flying with the Falcons! The Mason County Office of Child Nutrition would like to thank our dietetic intern from Marshall University, Trevor, for conducting an outstanding theme meal assignment and a thank you to Wahama Administration for allowing us to conduct this at your school. Another thank you to board member, Rhonda Tennant, for eating lunch with the students and showing support for meal programs. Today was a fantastic day and it looks like boneless wings will be a great addition to future menus!
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Fly with Falcons
Intern luncheon
Bus 131 will not be running tomorrow, Thursday, 4/27/23. Schools affected: Leon & Point Jr./Sr. High
almost 2 years ago, Director of Transportation
Staff from Point Pleasant Intermediate and Point Pleasant Primary worked with Mr. Rick Wormeli today. #MasonProud
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
staff 2
The Mason County Board of Education recognized 1st place State Social Studies Fair Winners-Kabella Ord and Kaycee Tennant at the April 25, 2022 Board of Education Meeting # MasonProud
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
State Social Studies Fair
Reminder- Preschool Registration for Roosevelt Elementary School and Beale Elementary School is Friday April 28, 2023 from 8:30-2:30. Registration takes place at the school site. See flyer for details
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Preschool Registration
The USDA is proposing changes to school meals and your opinion matters? Comments related to this proposed rule may be submitted in writing by one of the following methods: Online (preferred): Go to https://www.regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Mail: Send comments to School Meals Policy Division, Food and Nutrition Service, P.O. Box 9233, Reston, Virginia, 20195 For more information, visit: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/fr-020723
almost 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
USDA Proposed changes