Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
Mason County is blessed to have a great team that goes above and beyond for our county and community. Thank you for your dedication and hard work #MasonProud

Reminder-Tomorrow April 26, 2023 is a scheduled full day Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. Students do not report.

Last chance to register for food pickup. Please pre-register for food pick-up: https://bit.ly/summerfoodpickup23
Visit https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/child-nutrition for more information about on-site feedings, which will be posted at a later date. Thank you for your patience.

*** BUS ROUTE CANCELLATION UPDATE *** BUS 202*** Wayne Hall's route ( bus 202 ) had to be canceled today, Monday 4/24. We were told there was coverage in the early morning hours, but just learned the route has to be canceled due to no coverage.

The following buses will NOT be running today, Monday, 4/24 :
Bus 236 - Misty Bowen
Bus 132 - Wes Bowen
* as a correction, Bus 202 - Wayne Hall - WILL BE RUNNING today, 4/24

Preschool Registration was held today for Leon and PPPS. Our newest students are "Buzzing into Preschool"#MasonProud

This is a correction. Bus 211, Becky Porter's route, WILL be running tomorrow, Friday, April 21st. Again, bus 211 will be running tomorrow.

Bus Routes not running for Friday, 4/21/23
# 211 - Becky Porter - Beale Elem. & PP Jr/Sr
# 209- A.J. Powell - Leon Elem. & PP Jr/Sr
# 111 - Dave Gardner - Beale Elem. & PP Jr/Sr

The Mason County School Calendar for 2023-2024 has been approved https://bit.ly/2024calendar
For a month by month view of the calendar

The following buses will not be running tomorrow , Thursday 4/20/23 :
Bus 161 - Maia Endicott - HHS & Ashton Elementary
Bus 2074 - Gary Foley _ HHS & Ashton Elementary
Bus 209 - A. J. Powell - Leon Elem. & Point Jr./Sr. High

Parents, Community Members, and students, do you need a job or are you looking for a new career. Come to the Mason County Career Center, Tuesday, April 25 from 5-7 pm for a career/job fair. Please bring your resume and/or transcript.

Reminder- Preschool Registration for Leon is at Leon School April 21, 2023 from 8;30-1:30 and for Point Pleasant Primary School including Early Education Station and Magic Years registration is at the Board of Education April 21, 2023 from 8:30-2:30. See flyer for details

Mason County Farm Bureau held a reception to announce the winners of the Agriculture in West Virginia Poster contest. This poster contest is open to all fourth-grade students in the state. We had five schools participate, Ashton, Leon, New Haven, Roosevelt and Point Pleasant Intermediate. Three posters were picked from each school and from those County winners were picked. The top County winner will advance to the State to compete with other fourth graders around the state and their poster will be on display this Summer at the WV State Fair. Thanks to all who participated!
School Winners
Roosevelt: 1st Place Daisy Blake 2nd Place Natalie Akers 3rd Place Jessie Young
Leon: 1st Place Alex McKonn 2nd Place Alexus Brown 3rd Place Eastyn Grady
Ashton: 1st Place Addy Wheeler 2nd Place Kinley Grubb 3rd Place Alexis Birchfield
New Haven: 1st Place Ella Kaylor 2nd Place Madisen Oldaker 3rd Place Kabella Ord
PPIS: 1st Place Mea Anthony 2nd Place Amaris Riggs 3rd Place Amilya Siders
County Winners
1st Place Ella Kaylor 2nd Place Daisy Blake 3rd Place Natalie Akers

Bus 203 - Vickie Flora will not be running tomorrow. The schools affected are Point Pleasant Jr./Sr. High and Beale Elementary.

Please join us in congratulating these outstanding Mason County students for placing at the West Virginia State Social Studies Fair #MasonProud
Division I-Elementary
Kabella Ord (psychology)-1st place
Ezekiel Martindale and Ellianna Martindale (U.S. History)-2nd place
Trace Tennant (State and Local Studies)-3rd place
Mattie Green (U.S. History)-Honorable Mention
Division II-Middle School
Kierstyn Hart and Sophia Gray (Economics)-2nd place
Division III-High School
Kaycee Tennant (Economics)-1st place

Congratulations to all our Mason County Bands for outstanding performances at the Regional Band Festival in Parkersburg today. Hannan Band, Wahama Band, and Point Pleasant High Band all received 1 ratings. Point Pleasant Junior High Band received a 2 rating #MasonProud

Good luck to the Hannan Band, PPJSHS Band, and Wahama Band as they travel to Parkersburg tomorrow to take part in Regional Band Festival for Ratings #MasonProud

Summer Food Pickup registration is now available. Please sign up on the online form to be registered. If you have questions, please contact Christina Nelson 304-675-4540 ext. 107 https://bit.ly/summerfoodpickup23

Join us for Mason County Band Night April 11, 2023 at PPHS Auditorium at 6:00 PM. This is the first time that all three of our bands will perform together. The bands will be performing the music that they will also be performing Friday at the Regional Band Festival. #MasonProud

We have the best assistant principals!! Thank you for all you do for our students and staff!! MasonProud