The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Congregate Meals (Eating Meals On-Site) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a free meal, please go to one of the following schools listed at the scheduled times provided. This is NOT meal pick-up. For more questions, please contact Christina Nelson, christina.r.nelson@k12.wv.us or visit https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/child-nutrition

The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Non-Congregate Meals (food pick-up) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a meal box, please go to the entrance (this is not a drive through pick-up) at the schools listed from 11am-1pm today, July 6, 2023.
Ashton Elementary
Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High
New Haven Elementary

Mason County Schools would like to welcome our new Superintendent Mr. Tim Hardesty #MasonProud

Thank you for your service Dr. Burdette. Mason County Schools wishes you well on your retirement as our Superintendent. Good luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed #MasonProud

Pre-Register for Backpack Pick-up! Registration closes July 21, 2023.

Staff members are learning and enjoying time at the INVEST conference sponsored by WVDE. #MasonProud

Board members recognized Dr. Burdette at tonight's board meeting

Staff members are enjoying the INVEST conference this week in Charleston.

Reminder-Pickup for the Summer Food program is Thursday June 22, 2023. Pickup is from 11:00-1:00 at Ashton Elementary School, Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School, or New Haven Elementary School.

The Board Recognized the Wahama Softball Team, Wahama Baseball Team, PPHS Track Team, and Rowen Gerlach #MasonProud

The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Non-Congregate Meals (food pick-up) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a 7-day meal box, please go to the entrance (this is not a drive through pick-up) at the schools listed from 11-1pm today, June 15, 2023.
Ashton Elementary
Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High
New Haven Elementar

Hannan Jr/Sr High School Band is holding a car wash and hotdog/bake sale Saturday June 17, 2023, from 9:00-3:00 PM at Advance Auto Parts 233 E. Main Street in Milton. Come out and support the Wildcat Band

Mason County Board of Education meeting is live tonight 6/13/2023 at 6:00 PM https://youtube.com/live/q2F8Zkma_Dw?feature=share

Reminder-The first pickup for the Summer Food program is Thursday June 15, 2023. Pickup is from 11:00-1:00 at Ashton Elementary School, Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School, or New Haven Elementary School.

Elementary Principals and Assistant Principals attended a workshop presented by Beverly Kingery and Becky Wood focused on the Science of Reading #MasonProud #Reading #ScienceofReading

Congratulations to the Wahama White Falcons Baseball Team!!! WVSSAC Single A State Champions

Ashton Elementary received a new flag to put up in the Gym. A big thank you to Jim and RoxAnn Workmen with Woodmen Life Chapter 302 for the Flag and Commisioner Sam Nibert and Nucor for renting a machine and helping to hang the flag #MasonProud

Tomorrow May 30, 2023 is the last day of school for students for the 2022-2023 school year. We hope the students have a good summer break and join us again August 21, 2023 when school resumes.

Bus 113 - Tommy Knapp - will not be running tomorrow, 5/30/23
Schools affected are NH Elem. and Wahama Jr./Sr. High.
We wish you all a safe and happy summer

The following bus routes will not be running tomorrow, Friday May 26th:
153 - Kenneth Blessing
209 - A.J. Powell
202 - Wayne Hall