We love seeing our students, families, and community members at the Mason County Fair! #MasonProud
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Just a reminder to join us at the Mason County Fair Wednesday @ 11:30am to celebrate Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Day. We are excited to announce that we have a VERY SPECIAL guest reader coming! #MasonProud #DollyDayWV
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Don't forget to come see Mason County Schools at the Fair!! #MasonProud
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Fair invite
We are excited to see our students 1 week from today at the Mason County Fair. Please stop by the booth to get your backpack and fill it with a book.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Backpack Pickup
Tomorrow, August 1st will be the final preschool enrollment before school starts. Registration will take place at Point Pleasant Junior Senior High Library from 8:30-2:30. This is a county wide make up registration and all children who turned 4 before July 1st can register.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Prschool registration
Have you ever considered becoming a substitute teacher, cook, custodian, aide, secretary, bus operator, or general maintenance in Mason County? There is a great need for substitutes and the process has never been easier. Learn more https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Substitutes Needed
Brighter career opportunities begin with better success in high school, vocational training, college education, and employment. WVDRS is her to support youth and adults with disabilities (age 14 and up) on their path to work and live independently. Contact WVDRS https://www.WVDRS.org and see Career resources at https://www.PATHWAYSWV.org
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Join us on August 9, 2023 at 11:30 at the Mason County Fair as we celebrate Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Day. #MasonProud #DollyDayWV
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Non-Congregate Meals (food pick-up) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a meal box, please go to the entrance (this is not a drive through pick-up) at the schools listed from 11am-1pm, July 27, 2023. This is the FINAL pick-up for the summer! New Haven Elementary Ashton PPHS
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Summer Meals
Virtual School Registration is open until August 11th. You must register every year to continue enrollment in the Virtual School. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Kenny Bond at 304-675-4540 extension 49156 or email jkbond@k12.wv.us https://bit.ly/mcsvirtualregistration24
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Virtual School
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below. https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Schools, Office of Child Nutrition, would like to extend a thank you to student volunteers, retired and current staff, board member (Mrs. Tennant), Superintendent (Tim Hardesty), and Nucor for your selfless acts of service. Together we prepared over 600 backpacks for students in our county. If you missed pick-up today, you still have an opportunity to obtain a backpack at the Mason County Fair on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, from 9:00am until bags are gone; they will be on a first come first serve basis. See you at the FAIR!
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Backpack program
Backpack program
Reminder! If you registered for a backpack, the pick-up is tomorrow. Please arrive between 11:00am-1:00pm to pick up. We will not distribute bags before or after those times.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
backpack pickup
The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Non-Congregate Meals (food pick-up) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a meal box, please go to the entrance (this is not a drive through pick-up) at the schools listed from 11am-1pm, July 120, 2023. New Haven Elementary and Ashton ONLY PPHS is delayed until later dates due to USDA Guidelines of congregate and non-congregate at the same location.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Summer Meals
Virtual School Registration is now open. If you have questions about the Mason County Virtual School option, please contact Dr. Kenny Bond at 304-675-4540 ext. 49156 or by email at jkbond@k12.wv.us. Registration closes August 11. 2023. https://bit.ly/mcsvirtualregistration24
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Virtual School
The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Non-Congregate Meals (food pick-up) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a meal box, please go to the entrance (this is not a drive through pick-up) at the schools listed from 11am-1pm, July 13, 2023. New Haven Elementary ONLY Ashton and PPHS are delayed until later dates due to USDA Guidelines of congregate and non-congregate at the same location.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
summer meals
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below. https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
REMINDER!! The Mason County Board of Education is a sponsor of the USDA Summer Food Service Program. The Congregate Meals (Eating Meals On-Site) is open to all children, ages 18 years and under, who would like to participate. To obtain a free meal, please go to one of the following schools listed at the scheduled times provided. This is NOT meal pick-up. For more questions, please contact Christina Nelson, christina.r.nelson@k12.wv.us or visit https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/child-nutrition
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Summer Enrichment
Reminder-Buses will be running for our summer program beginning July 10, 2023. Please take it slow and watch for our students waiting on bus pickup. If you have questions about our summer program, please contact your child's school.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
bus safety