Mason County Schools is accepting nominations for Teacher of the Year and Service Personnel of the Year. If you would like to nominate a special teacher or service employee who you feel makes a difference, please use the following form.
12 months ago, Mason County Schools
TOY/SPOY Nomination
Mason County Schools Spring Break is schedule from March 25-29, 2024. School resumes Monday April 1, 2024. Enjoy the break and have a Happy Easter.
12 months ago, Mason County Schools
Spring Break 2024
Reminder-Wednesday March 20, 2024, is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings
12 months ago, Mason County Schools
PLC Early Release
March is Music in Our Schools Month and the students who participated in the All-State Choir were recognized by the Board of Education for their musical excellence #MasonProud #MIOSM #WVAllStateChoir
12 months ago, Mason County Schools
All State Choir
Check out the Proposed Calendars for 2024-2025 and take the survey to comment and vote on your preference for next year.
12 months ago, Mason County Schools
Special Statutory Business Meeting live at 5:45 and Board meeting live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below for both meetings
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Another chance to register for Preschool for 2024-2025. March 14 from 4:00-6:00. Register at the school your child will attend. If your child will attend Point Pleasant Primary, please register at the Board of Education. For questions, please contact Craig Hesson at 304-675-4540
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Preschool Registration
Congratulations to all our Regional Math Field Day Participants. #MasonProud
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
math field day
math field day
math field day
🥞🏄‍♂️ Get ready to make a splash during National School Breakfast Week from March 4-8! Let's come together to ensure that every child has access to a healthy breakfast at school. By prioritizing nutrition, we can set our students up for success in the classroom and beyond. Let's build a community where every child can thrive. #NSBW24 #SurfsUpWithSchoolBreakfast #BreakfastWeek
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
National School Breakfast Week
Today Mason County Superintendent Tim Hardesty along with Mason County EMS and Mason County Emergency Management visited Hannan, Point Pleasant, Wahama High Schools and the Mason County Career Center. Each school was presented a Stop the Bleed Kit for their school. #MasonProud #stopthebleed Hannan Photo Superintendent Tim Hardesty, Holly Davis Stop the Bleed Instructor, Jordan Moya Social Worker, Scott Ballard EMS Director, Tammy Byrnes Principal, Jeremy Bryant Emergency Management Director, Katie Zelmer School Nurse, Jerad Billings School Board, Kim Cooper School Safety Point Pleasant Photo Holly Davis, Scott Ballard, Jeremy Bryant, Bill Cottrill Principal, Jill Fowler School Nurse, Tim Hardesty, Chris O’Dell Asst. Principal, Kent Price Asst. Principal, Jerad Billings, Matt McCormick PRO Officer Mason County Career Center Photo Tim Hardesty, Holly Davis, Scott Ballard, Cheryl Moore Principal, Carla King Counselor, Jeremy Bryant, Jerod Billings, Camron Moffit Maintenance Director Wahama Photo Tim Hardesty, Scott Ballard, Missy Vanmeter Principal, Jeremy Bryant, Holly Davis, Don Linger Asst. Principal
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Hannan Stop the Bleed
PPHS Stop the Bleed
MCCC Stop the Bleed
Wahama Stop the Bleed
February is Career and Technical Education Month, so the Board of Education recognized the Mason County Career Center Skills USA students as well as the members of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) #MasonProud #CTEMonth #careerteched
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Skills USA
Band students from Hannan, Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High, and Wahama were recognized at the Board of Education meeting for their participation in the Marshall Honor Band, Region II Honor Band, West Virginia State Honor Band, and West Virginia All State Middle School Band #MasonProud
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Honor Band Members
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
During the week of Feb 17-24, 2024 the Wahama FFA chapter participated in National FFA Week. Students participated in various themed dress-up days at school, members participated in the Gallia Invitational Livestock Judging contest and the chapter officers conducted an educational visit on the importance of FFA for 6th grade students at New Haven Elementary. MasonProud #FFAWeek24 #LongLiveFFA #FFA
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Wahama FFA
Wahama FFA
Wahama FFA
Wahama FFA
Wahama FFA
Wahama FFA
Good luck to the Hannan, Wahama, and Point Pleasant Band students. They will be performing in Marshall Honors Band on Friday. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend #MasonProud #MarshallUniversityHonorBand2024
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Honor Band
Reminder-Today is the last day to pre-register for Preschool or Kindergarten.. If you have a child turning 4 or 5 before July 1st, please come to the schools and sign them up betweeen 8:30 and 2:30. See flyer for needed documents.
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
preschool K registration
This week the Hannan FFA Chapter is celebrating FFA Week by participating in dress-up days to help promote Agriculture literacy, we had a staff appreciation lunch as a way to say thank you for all of the support we receive from the staff at Hannan, and we competed in a livestock evaluation contest where students were able to put their knowledge learned in the classroom in a competitive real-world environment .#MasonProud #FFAWeek24 #LongLiveFFA #FFA
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
FFA Week
FFA Week
FFA Week
Reminder-February 21st is a scheduled Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. No school for students on Wednesday February 21st
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Faculty Senate/PLC
National FFA Week is a time to celebrate FFA Members and Agriculture. This week the MCCC FFA Chapter is spending time with some of the elementary students in the county, sharing what FFA is all about and talking about the importance of Agriculture in our lives. Our FFA members are also sending out special Thank You treats to some of our supporters, and celebrating with a special meal here at MCCC #MasonProud #FFAWeek24 #LongLiveFFA #FFA
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
FFA Week
The Governor's West Virginia School Safety Initiative utilizes the See Something Send Something app (links below), which allows users to submit information about potentially threatening behaviors or activities anonymously. Students, teachers, school administrators, parents, etc., can use this app for school safety reporting. Learn how to submit a report below! Frequently asked questions about the SeeSend App- iOS devices Android devices Webform-
about 1 year ago, Mason County Schools