Child Nutrition Newsletter.

Mason County Student's enjoy a sweet treat this Valentine's Day! Child Nutrition hopes you have a BERRY great day!

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Congratulations to the 2nd and 3rd place winners from the Regional Science Fair #MasonProud

Congratulations to the 1st place winners from the Regional Science Fair. They will move on and compete in the State Science Fair in Charleston on March 4, 2024 #MasonProud

Preschool and Kindergarten registration dates have been set for February 16 and February 23 from 8:30-2:30 at each elementary school. If you have questions, please contact the elementary school your child will attend.

Congratulations to Rachel Blankenship who was recognized for being named West Virginia Reading Association Eddie C. Kennedy Reading Teacher of the Year at the last Board Meeting. #WVRA #MasonProud

Reminder-Wednesday January 24, 2024, is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay tomorrow January 22, 2024. Staff and students will report on the delay. Please be aware that some buses may not be able to run their routes due to road conditions. Bus drivers will make that call.

Mason County Schools will be operating on an NTI Day schedule tomorrow Jan 19, 2024. Students and staff do not report. If your student is working on a packet tomorrow is Day 3. Teachers will be available from 10:00-2:00 to help students by email, Google Classroom or LiveGrades.

Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay tomorrow January 18, 2024. Staff and students will report on the delay. Please be aware that some buses may not be able to run their routes due to road conditions. Bus drivers will make that call.

Mason County Schools will be operating on an NTI Day schedule tomorrow January 17, 2024. Students and staff do not report. If your child is working on a packet tomorrow is Day 2. Teachers will be available from 10:00-2:00 to help students by email, Google Classroom or LiveGrades.

Mason County Schools will be operating on an NTI Day schedule tomorrow. Students and staff do not report to school. Teachers will be available from 10:00-2:00 online to help students by email or using Google Classroom or LiveGrades.

Mason County Schools will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2024 in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday.

Parents have power to help make schools healthier. We need you! Provide comments on our local school wellness by clicking in the survey link below:

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Mason County Cooks kicked of 2024 with a scratch cook training. What is scratch cooking? Scratch cooking means making food from whole ingredients and prioritizing raw proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables with the intention of creating nutritious meals for students. Mason County schools use scratch cooking as a way to keep students full, nourished, and growing.
Fun Fact: Did you know scratch cooked meals promote healthy behavior and cognition?
According to the National Institute of Behavioral Health, children who receive nutrient-rich foods have increased cognitive function compared to children who lack these essential nutrients. Better-quality diets are also linked to higher test scores, longer attention spans, increased work capacity, and more class participation.
Finish this school year strong by fueling your bodies in your school cafe' for breakfast and lunch!

Mason County Board of Education Special Informational Meeting is live 1/5/2024 at 10:00 AM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Marshall is excited to announce our unique professional development course options that will be offered this upcoming Spring 2024 term. Please be aware of the deadlines to register, the course start and end dates, and course length, some are a full semester and some are only a half semester. All courses are 3 graduate level credits that can be used toward renewal or salary upgrades. These are all online platform and truly at your own pace! https://epay.marshall.edu/secure/cgi/staffdevstonew.cgi