Summer Meal Pickup Information.
For planning purposes, you will need to sign up each week you intend to get a meal box.
Sign-up will be open every week starting on Wednesday at 3:00 PM and closes on Friday at 12:00 PM.
Only parent/guardians are able to pick-up for their student(s)/child(ren). If your child(ren) is not of school age, is homeschooled and/or virtual and you would like a box, please complete the form for each child. You can register up to 3 students on the same form.

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Wednesday May 29, 2024, is the last day of instruction for students for the 2023-2024 school year. School resumes August 21, 2024. Have a great summer break.

Reminder-Monday May 27, 2024, is the Memorial Day Holiday. School is closed for staff and students.

Roosevelt Elementary will be dismissing at 11:30 due to issues with air conditioning. Buses will be picking students up at 11:30. Parent pickup will be after the buses leave.

Last chance to register for the Summer Enrichment Program. See flyer for dates and times. Registration closes Sunday May 26. Register today. https://bit.ly/campinvention24

Congratulations to the Mason County Golden Horseshoe winners for 2024 #MasonProud
Jeweliana Marshall-Hannan Jr/Sr High
Hunter Thorp-Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High
Richard Johnson-Wahama Jr/Sr High
Moses Mankin-Wahama Jr/Sr High

Bus 131 - Rob Heeman's route is running late this morning, Friday, May 17th. The bus is running close to 30 minutes behind schedule. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you have a nice day.

Today was the signing day at Toyota for the 4-T Program. A partnership between the Mason County Career Center and Toyota that provides students an education experience that couples hands on learning with on-the -job training . Learn more here https://4tacademy.com/west-virginia/

Last night, The Mason County Board of Education recognized the WVSSAC AA State Champions Wrestling Team, Regional Science Fair winners, Regional Social Studies Fair winners, and the Skills USA Competition Winners #MasonProud

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Reminder-Tuesday May 14, 2024 is Election Day. All Mason County Schools will be closed for students and staff.

The 2024-2025 Calendar has been approved. See the Calendar Snapshot to see important dates. To see more information on the school calendar, check out the Calendar webpage on the Mason County Schools website https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/approved-calendar

Hannan Jr/Sr High School is closed today May 7, 2024 due to no power.

Mason County Schools invites our current Kindergarten through 6th grade students to register for the Summer Enrichment Program. Register today. https://bit.ly/campinvention24

The SMART529 Educaton Savings Program is offering West Virginia residents who are 17 years of age or younger the chance to win $15,000 deposited directly into a SMART529 account!
To be eligible to enter the Sweepstakes, a child must be age 17 years of age or younger.

Mason County Schools invites our current Kindergarten through 6th grade students to register for the Summer Enrichment Program. Spaces are limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register today. https://bit.ly/campinvention24

Today and every day, Mason County Schools is grateful for all the hard work of our administrative professionals. Their dedication, efficiency, and expertise keep our school and district running smoothly. We couldn't do it without them. #ThankYou #AdminProfesssionalsDay

Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below https://youtube.com/@masoncounty5862

Congratulations to the WV in Agriculture poster Contest Winners: 1st place from PPIS-Madeline Hartshorn; 2nd place from New Haven Elementary Levi Brinker; 3rd place from PPIS Jackson Smith #MasonProud