Congratulations to Point Pleasant Junior/Senior High School who received a $40,000 grant for musical instruments from the Save the Music Foundation #SaveThe Music #MasonProud
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Save The Music Grant
We’re celebrating #F2SMonth by farmer school visits! Thank you, Dan Foglesong, Mason County Farmer for bringing locally grown products to our students. Did you know? Orange vegetables contain bioflavonoids, a group of phytochemicals that work with vitamin C to keep our bodies healthy, help reduce the risk of cancer, help heal wounds, and strengthen bones. Orange and yellow vegetables include butternut squash, carrots, yellow peppers, pumpkins, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, and yellow potatoes.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Farm to School Farmer Visits
Bus route information for Friday, 10/20/23-- # 2094 Tim Thompson's route will not be running tomorrow, Friday, 10/20/23 Schools affected are New Haven Elementary and Wahama Jr./Sr. High
over 1 year ago, Director of Transportation
Superintendent, Tim Hardesty, and Child Nutrition Director, Christina Nelson, enjoyed local meat, produce, eggs, and dairy provided by the FFA leaders at the Mason County Career Center. Thank you to Amy Miller and Sam Nibert for the invitation and your dedication to our students. Most importantly, kudos to the following students/FFA leaders for connecting farmers, parents, students, and advocates in a shared mission of creating an abundant, nourishing, and equitable food system. President - Malea Bechtle Vice President - Braxton Blain Secretary - Ashley Legg Treasurer - Brycen Gillispie Reporter - Breena Clutter Sentinal - Jacob Ogier Assistant VP - Wyatt Birchfield Assistant Secretary - Marlee Carr Assistant Treasurer - Chloe Patrick Assistant Reporter - Madisyn Arrington Assistant Sentinal - Max Egger Kids + real food from local farms = a nourished mind, body and community! Join us in celebrating National #FarmtoSchool Month this October.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Farm to School
October 16-20 is National School Bus Safety Week! We want to thank our Mason County Schools bus drivers for ensuring our students get to and from school every day safely. We appreciate you! Help us thank our bus drivers in the comments below. #MasonProud #NSBSW2023
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
School Bus Safety
Bus safety
Toyota shared a presentation detailing the Toyota 4-T Overview at last night's Board of Education Meeting. This was presented by Deana Marcum (Human Resources Manager) & John Teichman (T&D Team Leader - 4T Instructor)
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Toyota 4T
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
👾🎮Grab your controllers and get ready to level up with school lunch! Healthy school meals are the perfect power-ups to set kids up to conquer whatever challenges they face. 🥗🍓 #LevelUpWithSchoolLunch
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
level up with school lunch
Kelly Griffith from the WV Department of Education came and read to Mrs. Buckle’s class today for the state’s Ready,Read, Write WV initiative. She read “Falling Waters” a nonfiction book by WV authors #MasonProud
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Kelly Griffith
falling waters
falling waters
falling waters
falling waters
falling waters
ready write reD
falling water
falling water
Reminder-October 9th is a scheduled Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. No school for students on Monday October 9th.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Faculty Senate PLC Day
WV Harvest is a local company that highlights WV agriculture and the ability to produce value-added products in-state to keep local dollars in West Virginia. These products are processed, packaged, and distributed in WV, keeping jobs in state through innovations in the food supply chain. Mason County students take a "bite" out of locally grown produce not only this month, but all year! 🍎 👨‍🌾 🍏
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Crunch Bunch
New Hope has a Clothing Giveaway coming up next week on October 12th from 5:00-7:00. No registration or income verification needed. All items are free, and all sizes are available.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
New Hope Clothing Giveaway
OCTOBER IS NATIONAL FARM TO SCHOOL MONTH, a time to celebrate the connections happening all over the country between children and local food! From taste tests in the cafeteria and nutrition education activities in the classroom, and to farmer visits, schools, early care and education sites, farms, and communities in all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and U.S. Territories take part in the celebrations. #F2SMonth #farmtoschool
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Farm to School Month
Bus route information for Monday, October 2, 2023 - Bus 191 - Bobby Powell's route - will be unable to run tomorrow, 10/2/23 Schools affected are Hannan Jr./Sr. High and Ashton Elementary
over 1 year ago, Director of Transportation
In an effort to improve communication and provide more advanced notification of student absences, beginning Monday October 2, 2023, you will be notified by approximately 1:30 p.m. if your student has been absent to one or more periods during the day.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Absence Notification
The Safety Drill in place at Point Pleasant Junior/Senior High School and the Mason County Career Center is now complete. The lockdown has been lifted and the schools have returned to regular operation
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Lockdown lifted
There will be a planned safety drill this morning. Mason County Career Center and Point Pleasant Junior/Senior High School will be placed on lockdown. The lockdown will begin at approximately 9:15. We will make a callout to parents once the lockdown is lifted.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Safety Drill
Board meeting is live at 6:00 PM via our YouTube channel. Use link below
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Governor Jim Justice has declared Sept. 22, 2023, as West Virginia School Service Personnel Day. To all our school personnel across Mason County, our schools could not run without you. From providing safe transportation, classroom support, nutritious meals, clean facilities, and more, your work is vital! #WVed #MasonProud
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
WV School Service Personnel
Reminder-Wednesday September 20, 2023, is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings.
over 1 year ago, Mason County Schools
Early Dismissal