Come out tonight at 6:00 PM to the Point Pleasant Christmas Parade. Mason County Schools will be in the parade handing out books to children. We hope you can join us! #MasonProud #LoveMyWVSchool #ChristmasParade

Reminder- Wednesday December 1st 2021 is a scheduled 2 Hour Delay for students for PLC Meetings. Breakfast for the students will be sent home from the school November 30th

Just a reminder that Mason County Schools will be closed November 22-26 for Thanksgiving Break. School resumes Monday November 29th.

Just a reminder that Thursday November 11th is Veteran's Day- no school for staff or students and Friday is a Remote Learning Day-no students report. Staff reports, lunches will be available for pickup between 11:30-12:30

The regularly scheduled board meeting is live tonight 11/9/21 at 6:00 PM

Reminder- Wednesday November 10th 2021 is a scheduled 2 Hour Delay for students for PLC Meetings. Breakfast for the students will be sent home from the school November 9th.

Fruth Pharmacy is offering Covid-19 vaccinations for children ages 5-11 on Friday, November 12, 2021, in Mason County. Vaccinations will be available at Point Pleasant Intermediate School from12:00 PM-3:00 PM (November 12 is a remote learning day for Mason County students.) Parents will be required to complete a consent form for each child to be vaccinated. Consent forms will available at your child's school and at the clinic sites.
Sign up online at https://bit.ly/covidclinic21 or call 304-675-4540 extension 49153 to sign up by phone.

Mason County Schools will be closed on Thursday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Friday, November 12, will be a REMOTE LEARNING DAY for students. Teachers will provide learning activities prior to this date and be available for support on November 12. Meals will be available at each school for pick up between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Again, Friday, November 12 will be a remote learning day in Mason County Schools. If you have questions, please contact your school.

New Principals and Assistant Principals from Mason County are attending WVDE's Principals Leadership Academy #WVDE #MasonProud #LoveMyWVSchool #Leadership

Superintendent Dr. Keith Burdette helped distribute Treats for the Preschoolers at Point Pleasant Primary School this morning.

Elementary Administrators and Interventionists attended training on Effective Writing Instruction for Grades K-5

The regularly scheduled board meeting is live tonight 10/26/21 at 6:00 PM

Stacey Walton, Dr. Kenny Bond, Jill Martin, and Melissa Vanmeter are representing Mason County at the Midatlantic Leadership Symposium in Philadelphia Pennsylvania to learn more about iReady that we will be implementing starting in November #MasonProud #LoveMyWVSchool #iReady

Congratulations to the Hannan High School Science students who won 3rd place at the annual Capital City Pumpkin Drop in Charleston #MasonProud #pumpkindrop21

Just a reminder that tomorrow October 22nd is a scheduled two hour early release for students to provide time for Faculty Senate Meetings. Students will be dismissed two hours earlier than usual.

FFA students from the MCCC put together beds for the animal shelter #MasonProud #LoveMyWVSchool

Special board meeting is live at 7:00 PM tonight.

The Point Pleasant Register did a nice article on Bus Safety Week. Read it here.

October 18-22 2021 is National School Bus Safety Week. Mason County wants to send out our appreciation to all of our Bus Drivers who work to transport and keep our students safe on their way to school and back. Thank you Bus Drivers!

It's National School Lunch Week. Mason County Appreciates all our Food Service workers and all the hard work they do to keep our students healthy and fed.