Mason County Schools wants to wish a Happy Retirement to our Nutrition Director Beverly Glaze. Congratulations and Good Luck on your next chapter #MasonProud

Reminder- Wednesday March 9th 2022 is a scheduled 2 Hour Delay for students for PLC Meetings.

Reminder- Kindergarten Registration this Friday March 11th for Ashton, Leon, and PPPS

Point Pleasant and Wahama wrestlers in action at the State Wrestling Tournament #MasonProud

2022-2023 School Year Calendar E was approved by the Mason County Board of Education at the February 22nd Meeting and was given final approval by the state on March 1st. Click here to see next year's school calendar- https://5il.co/14yfl

Mason County Schools Announces Masking Policy Change effectively immediately. Click the link to read the News Release-https://5il.co/1635m

The regularly scheduled board meeting is live tonight 2/8/2022 at 6:00 PM-https://youtu.be/x5e4XRbSxmYnk

Mason County Schools is in session tomorrow and operating on regular schedule

Mask Guidance for the week of February 21-25. The folowing schools will be required to wear masks for this week. Ashton, Leon, New Haven, Point Pleasant Intermediate School, and Roosevelt Elementary. Click the link to see the full document-https://5il.co/15y3p

Superintendent Dr. Keith Burdette was a guest speaker talking about economic development and also served on a panel discussion at the WV School Board Association Winter Conference #MasonProud

Roosevelt Elementary and Point Pleasant Primary School will be closed today February 18th due to no power. No staff or students are to report.

Congratulations to all our County Social Studies Fair winners today. We would also like to thank our community judges who volunteered their time to help judge these projects. We couldn't do it without you. #MasonProud

Mask Guidance for the week of February 14-18. All students and staff must wear masks at all schools except for Pt. Pleasant Primary, Pt. Pleasant Jr/Sr High School, and Mason County School for Success. Click the link to see the full document-https://5il.co/15ju9

Mason County Career Center FFA Chapter led the Pledge of Allegiance at tonight’s BOE meeting. They also presented the board members with a proclamation for the upcoming FFA Week #MasonProud

Mason County Schools wants to hear from you. We have 5 calendar choices for 2022-2023 school year. We have a voting form for Parents/Community Members and for Employees. Please look at the calendars and vote for your choice https://boe.maso.k12.wv.us/page/calendar-information

The regularly scheduled board meeting is live tonight 2/8/2022 at 6:00 PM https://youtu.be/l5uTk8sssJY

Mask Guidance for the week of February 7-11. All students and staff must wear masks at all schools except for Beale Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary, and Mason County School for Success. Click the link to see the full document-https://5il.co/158bj

All Mason County Schools are closed tomorrow February 4, 2022. This is a traditional snow day. Staff does not report. 261 day employees will work remotely.

Mask Guidance for the week of Jan 31-Feb 4. All students must wear masks in school except for Ashton, Beale, PPPS, and Roosevelt. Click the link to see full document. https://5il.co/14y04

Mason County Schools will be closed today January 28, 2022. This will be an NTI Day. Students will work on packets or online work. 261 day staff will report on a 2 Hour Delay. All other staff will work remotely and be available online or by email from 10-2