Congratulations to the Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School Wrestling Team for being named the Region IV Wrestling Champs #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Region IV Champs
Hannan Jr/Sr High School will be on remote learning today 2/20/2023 due to power issues. Staff will report on a 2 Hour Delay.
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Bus Routes not running 2/17/2023 Bus #2091 - PPHS , Primary, & Intermediate Bus #123 - PPHS , Primary , & Intermediate Bus #103- Beale & PPHS Bus #111 - Beale & PPHS
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay tomorrow February 17, 2023 due to high water
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
2 Hour Delay
The Mason County Board of Education recognized the FFA students for National FFA Week and CTE students for National CTE Month #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
CTE month
FFA Week
We want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to look over our proposed calendars (link to calendars is in form) for the 2023-2024 School Year and then fill out the survey to indicate your choice and give us your feedback.
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Calendar Survey
The Mason County Board of Education meeting is live tonight 2/14/2023 at 6:00 PM
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Bus Routes not running February 13-Bus #2086-Misty Bowen-Ashton and Hannan and Bus #172-Leon and Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Students from Wahama and Point Pleasant High School rehearsed together to prepare audition material for upcoming All State Auditions. #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
all state practice
all state practice
Mason County Bus Routes not running February 10, 2023. Bus #2086 Misty Bowen-Ashton and Hannan
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Save the Date! - If your child turns 4 before July 1st, he or she is eligible for Preschool. In person Preschool Screening/Registration is in April. See flyer for dates and times. Preregister online at
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Preschool Pre-Registration
Preschool Dates
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION-If your child will be five years old by June 30, 2023, he/she is eligible to enter Kindergarten. In person registration is in March. See flyer for dates and times. You can pre-register online at
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Kindergarten Registration
It's National School Counselor Week and we are grateful for our school counselors. Mason County Appreciates all you do for our students. Thank you for all you do #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
National School Counseling Week
Congratulations to Emmalea Warden of Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School for winning First Place in the Almost Heaven Governor's Art Exhibition at the high school level #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Schools hosted the regional Science Fair at the Mason County Board of Education February 2nd. Pictured below are the First-place winners from Cabell, Mason, and Mingo County that will continue on to the State Science Fair #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Regional Science Fair 1st place
Mason County Bus Routes not running 2/3/2023-Bus #172-Leon Elementary and PPJSHS
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Hannan's National Honor Society recently attended the NHS LEAD Spark in Washington DC. This is a national conference for student leaders from across the nation. Hannan was the only WV school in attendance #MasonProud
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Hannan Leadership
Reminder-Tomorrow February 1, 2023 is a scheduled full day Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. Students do not report.
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Faculty Senate/PLC Meeting
Mason County Schools will be closed today 1/31/2023. This is a traditional snow day. Students and school staff do not report. 261 employees will report on a 2 Hour Delay.
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay tomorrow 1/31/2023 for impending inclement weather
about 2 years ago, Mason County Schools
2 Hour Delay